Web & Cloud

Why HTTPS is essential for online security

Cybercriminals are relentless in coming up with new ways to steal our personal information and financial data. That’s why it’s more important than ever to take steps to protect ourselves online, and these steps include visiting websites that use HTTPS. What is HTTPS? When you visit a website, you may see a padlock icon in […]

Web & Cloud

Why HTTPS matters for your cybersecurity

It’s no secret that the internet can be a dangerous place. Hackers, scammers, and identity thieves are always looking for new ways to steal your information or scam you out of your hard-earned money. That’s why it’s critical to take steps to protect yourself while you’re online. One of these is to make sure that […]


Better internet security: Easy as 1, 2, 3

The internet is not such a bad place to be in — for as long as website owners do their share in keeping it safe for their visitors. Here are three tips to do exactly just that. Tip 1: Use HTTPS Short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, HTTPS indicates that a website has an extra […]